Degree : M.C.Sc
Rank : Assistant Lecturer
Faculty : Department of Information Technology Supporting and Maintenance
Academic Qualifications
.B.C.Sc from University of Computer Studies, Yangon at 4 February 2007
- B.C.Sc(Hons:) from University of Computer Studies, Yangon at 2 March 2008
- B.C.Sc from University of Computer Studies, Yangon at 9 February 2020
Academic Dissertation
Master Dissertation
Comparison of C4.5 and Weighted C4.5 Decision Trees for Breast Cancer Classification, 23 January 2020.
List of publications
1. "Classification with Weighted C4.5 Decision Tree Approach", the proceedings of the 10th Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing (PSC 2019), Yangon, Myanmar, 2019.
2. "Breast Cancer Classification with Weighted CART Decision Tree Approach", University Journal of Science, Engineering and Research, 2019(UJSER 2019) at Technological University (Kyauke), Volume 01,Issue-02, pg 247-252, June,2019.
3."Feature Selection Based Sequential Mininal optimination(SMO) classifier for Heart Disease Classifiaction", University Journal of Science, Engineering and Research, 2019(UJSER 2019) at Technological University (Kyauke), Volume 01,Issue-02, pg 253-258, June,2019.
4."Breast Cancer Classification with Weighted Decision Tree Approach", the 12th National Conference on Science and Engineering, pg 66, 27th_28th June, 2019, Yangon, Myanmar.
5."Comparative Study of Classification Algorithms for Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease Diagonsis", 2nd University Conference on Science, Engineering and Research, 17th August 2019, Technological University (Kyauke), ISBN 978-99971-0- 672-8, pg 78-79, August 2019.